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AG Kopriva Group

The long term goal of our research is to understand how plants integrate the uptake and utilization of key mineral nutrients with their needs, demand, and changes in environment and what is the role of micro-organisms in plant nutrition. We use a combination of biochemical, genetic and physiological approaches and exploit natural variation.
Our research focuses on three areas: (1) molecular mechanisms of sulfur homeo-stasis and its integration in general plant metabolism; (2) alterations in mineral nutrition between C3 and C4 plants; and (3) metabolic signals in plant microbe interactions and their contribution to plant nutrition.
The group is firmly embedded in the Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences (CEPLAS), contributing to research areas 1 and 2. As a speaker of the Competence Area “Food Security” Prof. Kopriva is interested in embedding CEPLAS efforts within a broader societal context and to promote efficient knowledge transfer between relevant disciplines and towards countries in Global South.

AG Prof. Dr. Stanislav Kopriva

University of Cologne
Institute for Plant Sciences
Zülpicher Str. 47b
D-50674 Cologne
