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Bachelor of Science in Biology

basic teaching.
We contribute to Modules Bio III/B and Bio IV

selective module Molecular Plant Nutrition (

In this module students learn the basic mechanisms in control of plant mineral nutrition and the scientific approaches to study plant mineral nutrition. In the practical part they perform a detailed characterization of a mutant affected in sulfur nutrition, including HPLC measurements of metabolites and expression analysis by qPCR.

Bachelor of Science Quantitative Biology (

The Quantitative Biology degree programme offers a study of Biology, that in addition to teaching important experimental techniques, is closely intertwined with methods of mathematical modeling, data science, and bioinformatics.

Master of Science in Biological Sciences

module Molecular Plant Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants and Associated Microbes
In this module the students get practical experience of methods in molecular plant physiology – qPCR, HPLC, enzyme assays, etc. – working on research projects actually running in the laboratory.